World Made New: Beach Retreat for Feminist Intellectuals of Color


Calling Feminist Scholars of Color!  Save the date!  Immediately after the 2014 Southeast Women’s Studies Association Conference (SEWSA) in Wilmington, NC Brilliance Remastered will be hosting a retreat specifically for people of color who are engaged in transformative feminist intellectual practice in university, non-profit, artistic and self-made settings.   Facilitated by Brilliance Remastered founder and SEWSA People of Color Caucus Chair Alexis Pauline Gumbs, this retreat is in response to requests from scholars of color at recent SEWSA conferences for more in-depth space for healing, feedback, strategizing and community building among feminist scholars of color.   As you plan your journey to SEWSA keep this in mind!

This retreat will take place at a beach house in Wilmington, NC on Saturday evening, all day Sunday and will end Monday morning and will include creative exercises, critical dialogues, meditation prompts, individual writing,  time connecting to the ocean and each other and amazing food.   There will be a limited number of slots for residential (i.e. at the beach house) participants and options for day participation for people staying elsewhere during the conference.   More details on registration options soon!

Sign up for email updates on this retreat here:

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